Jim Beam Bourbon 700ml
Jim Beam Bourbon is a classic American whiskey known for its rich history and smooth, full-bodied flavor. Distilled in Kentucky, Jim Beam is crafted using a time-honored recipe of corn, barley, and rye, and aged in carefully charred oak barrels to develop its signature depth and complexity.
On the nose, expect aromas of caramel, vanilla, and oak, with a hint of spice. The palate is equally inviting, with flavors of rich toffee, a touch of smoke, and a subtle sweetness balanced by a smooth, warming finish. Perfect for sipping on its own, in classic cocktails like the Old Fashioned or Whiskey Sour, or served with a splash of water or ice, Jim Beam Bourbon is a true staple in the world of whiskey.
- Origin: USA
- Region: Kentucky
- Style: Bourbon
- Alcohol: 40% ABV
- Tasting Notes: Caramel, vanilla, oak, toffee, spice
- Serving Suggestions: Enjoy neat, on the rocks, or in cocktails like Old Fashioned or Whiskey Sour.